Eastern Virginia’s leading pathology group for more than 50 years
- You’re a name not a number!
- You’ll have the help you need
- You can expect quick, cost effective delivery
Plus, we make a point not only of being accessible to our clients, but also to learning as much as we can about your preferences and your special needs. We take your business personally.
We know that the lives of your patients may depend on our ability to quickly provide you the information you need to make decisions. At PPA, you can count on getting fast, reliable service every time.
Medical science and technology generally is advancing at light speed and nowhere is that more true than in pathology. At PPA, we are absolutely committed to staying at the leading edge of the tech revolution. And through our association with leading equipment manufacturers and basic research labs, we’ve even helped develop and test new equipment, procedures and techniques. For example:
- We are a Beta testing site for implementing new equipment and technologies from some of the nation’s leading healthcare equipment suppliers.
- We are leaders in developing cutting-edge diagnostics that will have a profound effect on how Barretts Esophagus will be diagnosed and managed.
- We’ve developed a revolutionary telepathology/digital pathology program.
Regardless of how difficult or complex your needs may be, we have the lab facilities and the experienced doctors to provide you with results that are comprehensive, accurate and reliable.
And you will get it every time. We know that often the very lives of your patients depend on our ability to provide you a fast delivery of information you need to make decisions. Because of our proximity to physicians throughout Eastern Virginia, our experienced, accessible staff and our world-class laboratory, we’ll provide service that is not only fast, but also personal and dedicated to meeting your specific needs every time.
Our partners put us in some pretty impressive company, too.
We’re proud and more than a little impressed by the company we keep. Our partners are an extraordinary set of leaders in healthcare, medical science and technology. And we truly value the relationship we have with each of them.
Our decades long relationship with Riverside Health System has been key to our success and to our ability to provide the highest possible standards of pathology services through our hospital-based laboratory at Riverside Regional Medical Center.
The relationships we have with Ventana Medical Systems and Roche, two of the world’s leading healthcare suppliers ensure that we have the most advanced equipment and diagnostic tools at our disposal. We have a close working relationship with NeoGenomics, one of the nation’s leading cancer research and diagnostic laboratories. We also count the Mayo Clinic and Qauntum Medical as working partners.
- Stanley D. Yeatts II, MD , Obstetrician-GynecologistI have been honored to work with Peninsula Pathology Associates for 25 years. There have been great advantages in knowing the expertise and approachability of these local pathologists. When I have clinical questions about results, or even obtaining an opinion concerning patient evaluation and care, they have always been available by phone, email, or by visit to their department. I have the utmost confidence in their services and am grateful for the opportunity to work with this experienced team.
- Fred Gessner, MD , GastroenterologyI have used PPA almost exclusively since 1991 for several reasons—I can always talk to a pathologist I know if questions arise, if I want to look at a slide I can, the turn around time is the fastest, and difficult cases are passed around the group and if questions still exist the slides are sent for another expert opinion without me asking. Furthermore, I doubt any other group has the degree of gastroenterology expertise in this group.
- Marshall Cross, MD , General SurgeonI have been working with PPA since 1994. Accurate, timely, efficient, thorough, and organized pathology reports and personal interaction have been a critical part of patient care, and PPA has provided excellent pathology services without fail. These services have been throughout multiple facilities in our health system, and have included specimen pathology, laboratory analysis, and cytology, just to name a few.
- John Donohue, MD , SurgeonAfter 25 years in an academic surgical practice at the Mayo Clinic, it has been a pleasure working with the PPA physicians. They are a highly skilled group of pathologists, fully informed of current and developing pathologic practice, and readily available for consultation both during an operation and whenever I stop by their offices. I have been very impressed and fully satisfied with their meticulous and prompt pathological services.